Legal Nurse Consultants can work cases in any U.S. state. If you were nervous about taking cases in a state where you didn't know the standards, The All State and DC Board Database offers an easy solution for you!
Provides links to medical and nursing standards for every Board in the United States. Using the database can provide several potential benefits:
Saves you time researching so you can spend that time on other things.
Saves your clients time and money.
Increases your value to your clients. They will be encouraged to send you more cases.
Helps you expand your target market by making it easier to work cases outside your familiar geographical area.
The database holds hundreds of links to Boards all over the country to help you find the standards you need more quickly.
Links include standards for the roles that this Board regulates which usually includes Physicians, Physician Assistants, and Midwives. These may also include Medical Assistants. It just depends on how the independent states define and regulate practice.
Links include standards for the roles that this Board regulates from nursing assistants, to all levels of nursing practice. These are dependent on how each state defines and regulates them.
Contact information for most states are available in the database in case there is a reason you need to reach them.
If the state has information about disciplinary action on a licensee, the database will provide you links on how to find it. This is useful when vetting experts, plaintiffs or defendants. You can find interesting information here!
If the state or the Boards have provided information on this area of concern through guidance, directives, or other methods relevant to practice, and it is available to be accessed, links to the information will be posted to the database.
Through regular review, or feedback from our members, we will continue to update the links in the database and additional relevant data. And when the platform improves we will be moving the database there.
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Stop wishing you had more time, and make some!